

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Why I am a Feminist.
A Defense of Feminism Against "Women Against Feminism"

With every political ideal comes a number of lunatics who take the issue too far and tend to delegitimize the core group. Feminism is of course not immune to this phenomenon, however i feel that feminists get far more grief than they deserve.

Historically Feminism has made innumerable steps towards the political, economical and social equality of women. New issues for women have developed, and many of the old problems are still at large.  According to the US census bureau (as well as every source I have seen that shows actual research), the wage gap between men and women is a very real thing. This means that on average, in the United States, women who are working the same type of position with the same experience as a man, will earn less than him. Our Supreme Court has made it legal to withhold access to medications for sexual health for women, but not for men. Women are still blamed to their rapes. Gender inequality is still a very real issue in our society.

The really cool part of third-wave feminism is that feminst still fight for equality for women, but they have expanded their focus to include seeking equality for other minorities as well. Third wave feminism tries to ensue equal rights for everyone regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race or ability.

Women Against Feminism http://womenagainstfeminism.tumblr.com/ is a tumblr that has erupted as a response to third wave feminism.  Some common arguments that the women on Women Against Feminism make, and defenses for feminism:

  • Feminists hate men: True feminists work towards male grievances as well as female. Feminists work to reduce rates of rape, including rape towards males. Feminists work towards equality of all minorities, gender, sexuality, race, and ability minorities, all of which include men. 
  • I like my role as a housewife/I like a strong man: That is fine. Feminism does not contradict those assertions at all. Feminism merely wants to provide other options, options provided to men. If a woman wants to be a housewife then she should be able to, as well as a that a man should be allowed that option, or a woman should be allowed to focus on her career or not want to be mother.
  • I like 'natural birth control methods' because they remind me that I am a woman: Again, by providing women with other options does not restrict the options which already exist. Every woman reserves the right to decide how she views her own femininity. Having control over what I choose for my own body personally makes me feel very confident in my femininity. I appreciate being able to choose a life that does not include debilitating cramps and the fear of an unwanted pregnancy. All women should have the opportunity to be educated about all of their options and have reasonable access to whatever resources they deem best for themselves.
  • Rape culture does not exist: Rape culture most certainly exists. I know rape culture exists from my friend who survived rape, who instead of receiving support, was torn down by her entire community for ruining her rapists life by pressing charges. I know rape culture exists because of guys telling me that testosterone makes them need sex in a way a woman will never understand. I know rape culture exists because women are still being blamed for being raped based on clothes, alcohol and sexual history. I know rape culture exists when Blurred Lines is the top song in the country despite mimicking the words of actual rapists. Want to read more: http://time.com/40110/rape-culture-is-real/
  • I like being treated like a princess/ My man treats me right: Everyone likes being treated like they are special and loved. In my relationships I do like being treated like a princess at times, but I also like treating my partner like a prince or princess. I like feeling special, as well as want my partner to feel special, and feminism is by no means against that. Once again, just because some women appreciate a relationship dynamic where they are the submissive partner, women who want a different, more equal, or dominant dynamic should be able to pursue that without judgement. Personal choices and values should remain a personal choice, and no one option should be forced onto all women.
  • Women are not victims based on their gender: Feminism hopes to empower women, not victimize them. Feminism wants to ensure For women who have been oppressed or assaulted and want help, it should not be denied to them
Read another article talking about some of the missed notions on Women Against Feminism:

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