

Monday, February 17, 2014

Hello Blogosphere

Hello Internet,
Today marks the day that I will begin on my next blog journey. I am continuing this blog from one I started about a year ago, but this one will have a bit of a different focus, and some old posts may deleted. I first started a blog during a period when I was struggling. I was in the midst of a health crisis, an identity crisis and figuring out my first queer relationship. Writing helped me tremendously, and I want to continue with it.
    Now, this blog will focus on anything queer related. My personal journey. My relationship. Sex. The harnesses and sex toys I am currently creating and selling. Anything that I would find interesting when I am in a gay mood and browsing the web.
    I hope that eventually someone will benefit from my writing, but in the meantime I will write for myself, to document my journey and remind myself of all of the reasons why it is awesome to be queer.
<3 Megs

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