

Saturday, February 22, 2014

My boi

I want to introduce my wonderful girlfriend. This is us on our first New Years Eve together ( I was attempting a mohawk, and clearly was failing). She is sweet, silly, handsome and one of the most caring people I have ever met. We fit each other so perfectly, I could hardly see any other match.

She identifies as genderqueer, and I can attest that she falls very much in the middle of the gender spectrum. She works in a cider warehouse, wears all men's clothing and approaches thing in a very straight-forward fashion. However she can also be giggly, loves gushy romanticism and could cook, clean and garden all day.

Continuing on I hope to write some pieces on what it means to be genderqueer as well as the experience of having a genderqueer partner. There will probably also be dozens of posts about how damn cute she is.

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