

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Gay Artist: Mary Lambert

I would not be surprised if most of you have heard of Mary Lambert. She sings the chorus of Macklemore's hit Same Love. Some of you may also know that she is a Seattle singer with songs of her own, including the song which includes the chorus from Same Love, called She Keeps Me Warm. This is perhaps one of the absolute cutest lesbian-love-song-music-videos which will ever be created.


She is a bad-ass woman, and talented singer. She has seen her share in life including, rape, bi-polar disorder, and drug abuse and strives to share her experiences and feelings through her art, including with a rape entitled Body Love. I see her being an awesome lesbian artist on the rise, and can't wait to see where she goes next.

If you want to hear more from her, you can type "mary lambert kexp" into itunes and download a free podcast of live performances at KEXP, which is naturally a rad, Seattle, radio station.

She will be touring this summer, and for those in the NW, she will be at Sasquatch.

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